not to degrade our environment.

Sustainable Bio Earth label
La Savonnerie de la Chapelle places respect for consumers and sustainable development at the forefront. By adhering to the Bio-Earth-Durable label, the Savonnerie undertakes to respect what makes this label so rich.
Global approach Sourced organic ecological
Use of pesticide-free, ecological, biodegradable raw materials, recyclable packaging, environmentally friendly manufacturing processes …
Green chemistry
Chemical processes are sometimes essential in order to offer consumers products that are effective and pleasant to use. The Bio-Earth-Durable label advocates the concept of “Green Chemistry”, which favors the use of renewable raw materials and environmentally friendly processes in accordance with the principle of sustainable development.
Respect for consumer health
Guaranteed by the preponderant use of natural ingredients or of natural origin and green chemistry and by the minimization of synthetic ingredients and considered essential in certain formulations.
Solidarity and Fair Trade
Bio-Earth-Durable affirms its refusal of any form of exploitation of people, especially children, and seeks to promote a responsible and united economy, with fair remuneration for producers.
Support for vulnerable people
Humans and animals, through a moral and militant commitment, in particular an annual donation to a humanitarian cause as well as an animal cause.
Zero waste objective
In our approach to designing natural soap and cosmetics, we put the “zero waste” objective at the heart of our priorities. The choice to use the cold saponification process is not trivial. Indeed, in addition to preserving the virtues of all the ingredients, this technique requires very little energy and produces virtually no waste. We are also committed to a policy of “no plastic” in the packaging of our products from 2021.
Transparency and traceability
Each ingredient used is tracked, from harvest to the finished product. We make a point of ensuring that raw materials are harvested in a sustainable manner without degrading the environment. We also defend the principle of transparency. All of our products have a label or packaging indicating all of the ingredients used in their design. To extend this principle of transparency, we regularly offer visits to our workshop to introduce people to our profession and explain the exceptional process of cold saponification.
Local life and “Made in Perche”
In addition to our environmental commitments, we have signed up to a social approach which, in partnership with local associations, aims to promote the work of people with disabilities. La Savonnerie therefore employs people with disabilities for handling and packaging tasks.
A deeply human company, we are also in love with our region and the skills that develop there. Le Perche is a real pool of talents and professionals who share our principles and values. Numerous collaborations with local producers and entrepreneurs have emerged (glass of candles, canvas bag sold in stores, etc.). In addition to promoting “Made in France” we try, as far as possible, to promote “Made in Perche”.