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Beef bile stain remover


Soap stain remover
with Beef Bile

The stain remover soap with beef bile (80 gr) is a soap as its name suggests for beef bile. Formerly used by our grandmothers, it resurfaces today to promote its countless virtues. It is a powerful natural stain remover especially for textiles, for stubborn stains such as wine, blood, grease, etc.


The stain remover soap with beef bile (80 gr) is a soap as its name suggests for beef bile. Formerly used by our grandmothers, it resurfaces today to promote its countless virtues. It is a powerful natural stain remover especially for textiles, for stubborn stains such as wine, blood, grease, etc.

Application tips

Scrub the stain with the beef bile stain remover soap before putting the laundry in the machine. Do not use if you are allergic to any ingredient. For adults only.

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